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Caring for Outboard Engines When the Weather Is Unfriendly

Caring for Outboard Engines When the Weather Is Unfriendly

Caring for Outboard Engines When the Weather Is Unfriendly - Not only does it have to be cleaned after being used in waters, routine maintenance of the outboard engine will keep the outboard engine durable and remain powerful for a long time. Especially if your outboard engine has to work hard to keep it running in unfriendly weather. 
Through outboard engine maintenance and regular inspections, you can prevent major breakdowns and stop problems from occurring at an early stage. The following is a list of inspections of outboard engine parts that should not be missed when you are doing outboard engine maintenance
  1. Check fuel lines regularly for cracks and signs of wear. Make sure there are no cracks in the engine pump section. Make sure the fuel connection to the line is secure and not leaking. These can also be found here.
  2. Check the hose clamp on the fuel line for rust or corrosion.
  3. Check if any part of the fuel tank is damaged. Make sure the tank ventilation continues to function properly, there is no water content mixed in the fuel. Because the function of the fuel will be disrupted if there is water in it. 
  4. Perform maintenance on the ship's steering gear by adding lubricant. Do it every 100 hours driving distance or at least once a year. 
  5. Check the anode on the machine, replace it with a new one if it starts to rust. 
  6. Change engine oil and replace oil filter.
  7. Replace the water pump impeller after every 300 hours of use or every 3 years (more often if you use the outboard engine in water where sand can enter the cooling circuit).
  8. Inspect the outboard for damage to the paint and metal surfaces. Remove rust or scuffs as quickly as possible to avoid major damage.
That's maintenance for Suzuki outboard engines that can be done when you have to drive often in unfriendly weather. If you want to do even more complete maintenance, you can bring your outboard engine to the Suzuki Marine workshop. Get the best service from experienced outboard engine technicians. Book your service schedule easily via https://www.suzuki.co.id/services/marine . 
Bona Pasogit
Bona Pasogit Content Creator, Video Creator and Writer

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